Archive by Author

A sign of changing times

26 Apr

Politics! I never thought the day would come when I would discuss politics on my blog since I’m not the most politically inclined (I do exercise my right to vote) but I’m not the most engaged voter. So before I lose you, I won’t be discussing politics but merely how one politician was using social […]

I "liked" what?

20 Apr

A question I hear often from business owners, “how do I get more people to like me?” (on Facebook, that is!). I then turn around and ask them, “Why do you want them to like you?” Because… you’ve been told there are over 500 million people on Facebook and that your customers and potentials are […]

Still on the fence about social media?

18 Apr

For those of you that are still on the fence about using social media for your business, you’ll be thrilled to see these results from other small business owners like yourselves. In a survey of 3342 marketers, 47% of whom were either self-employed or small business owners, 88% said that social media generated exposure for […]

Turn a negative into a positive

12 Apr

At an event last week I was asked, How do you deal with negative feedback online? Can it be erased? Well, yes and no. You can’t actually go and erase it so it no longer shows up but you can definitely take  actions to lesson the impact and show that you are ‘listening’. Dealing with […]

Taking Back Time

7 Apr

It happens to the best of us. We have good intentions but somewhere along the way we go astray. We turn on our computers, fire up our favorite browser, tell ourselves that we will *only* be checking out ______________ (insert your fave time-suck site) for five minutes and next thing you know the five minutes […]

Recap: Social Media Essentials at Leading Spas of Canada

5 Apr

This post is a recap of a talk I did in Montreal yesterday on social media for the Leading Spas of Canada, an organization that provides support for the development of the Canadian spa industry. Spas, social media and speaking..three of my favorite things combined! Most of the attendees were aware of social media and […]

Don't be afraid to start

31 Mar

I was at a social media networking event the other day, here in Montréal, where a presentation on “Building a community around your blog” was given. During the Q&A period, someone made a comment (to paraphrase) that they were “paranoid about starting a blog because they wouldn’t have any comments”.  In jest, this person also asked […]

3 Ways to Revitalize your Blog this Spring

27 Mar

Whether it was the long winter, the lack of sunlight and being stuck indoors, there are many things we can blame our lack of inspiration on and writer’s block happens to the best of us. And it’s normal. As a business owner you are juggling many tasks and it’s easy to put off your blog, […]

You are writing for people

23 Mar

Whether your blog is targeting businesses (in the b2b space) or consumers (b2c), you are still writing for people. I’ll repeat. If you are blogging for a business that sells products or services to other businesses, remember there are real people  behind those businesses reading your blog. People that want to connect with your content […]

Success Story: Content that goes on and on and on

15 Mar

I love sharing stories that validate a concept that I’m trying to get across. This is an example of how content keeps marketing for you, even when you’re not. Ammin, of MakeupByAmmin, launched her blog back in October and has been diligently blogging away since. She specializes in bridal makeup but is always experimenting and […]