Give Your Blog Content Legs with Social Bling

18 Feb

Take a look at your blog.

Step back.

How easy is it for someone to share that awesome post you just wrote with their friends & network?

Do they have to copy the link to an email and hit send?

Enter Social Bling.

I loved this term the second I read it in Content Rules.  Yes, I know the term bling conjures up the image of flashy, elaborate jewelery and you’re probably thinking why do I want to bling my blog?

Social Bling is everything that allows your readers to share and spread your message  on the web. Think Twitter, Facebook Like, Digg and so on.

Instead of making your readers go to the painstaking effort of emailing your blog post to their friends (which is so 2008..),  make it easy for them to share your content with one simple click.

With social bling, your readers simply hit “Like” or “Tweet”et voilà, instantly spread your message to hundreds/thousands of new eyeballs!

Now, you don’t have to go all out and be flashy about it. In the example below, I’ve highlighted three types of bling you can add to your blog.

spread your blog content with social bling like twitter facebook stumbleupon

1- Twitter Tweet Button. With one simple click, your readers can tweet your post to their followers,  which includes your twitter name and even add their own message. Added bonus: Potentially get new followers and your message is spread to a new audience.

2- Facebook Like.  By hitting “Like” your reader will have shared your post on their wall for all their friends to see, with a link back to your site.  Added bonus: Your content shows up when people search in Facebook.

3-Add to Any: Even more options. You readers can email (yeah, people still do use email in 2011), as well as share on other sites such as StumbleUpon and Digg.

Remember:  sharing = more eyeballs = AWESOME!

Go bling your blog and let your content run free! 

PS. And while you’re at it how about showing some love and hitting “Like” or “Tweet”!

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