From Around the Web #2- Sunshine edition

6 May

I was busy packing all week getting ready to move on the weekend so I didn’t get to spend my usual amount of time on the web. Here are a few of the nuggets I did come across..

Social Media/Biz/Tech:

Twitter has its CNN moment. Move over CNN, there’s a new player in town. I’d argue that Twitter has had many CNN moments and even before this (Haiti? Japan?) but since it’s officially mainstream now I guess it really is when mainstream media says it has :)

How to Royally Lose $120,000 in social media. The Royal Wedding (remember that?) was over a week ago and here’s an interesting recap of how one-brand *tried* to use social media.

Personal Development:

On wanting something. How badly do you want something? How much time are you investing?  Ultimately, it all boils down to doing the work.

Need a kick in the butt? I came across this blog post last week courtesy my friend Fabrice and it was just what I needed when things were dreary and overcast here in Montreal.

YAY for sunshine.

Have a great week :)

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