Everyone's a-Twitter? But me!

2 Jun

Ever feel like you can’t keep up with technology? That when you finally joined Friendster   it was no longer the IT thing since all your friends had moved on to Facebook.
You then joined Facebook and thought: “Now what? Do I really care what John Smith-my friend from 15 years ago is doing on Saturday night?”

Moreover, if you own a business you keep hearing about Web 2.0 but just don’t know how to ‘upgrade’?  You know it’s something you should do and that there are tons of benefits but don’t know where to start.
Well, you are not alone.

Everyone is jumping on the social media bandwagon and there are new experts in Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn , Myspace -you name it,  popping up everyday, trying to share tips, tricks, how-to’s, how not to’s and suddenly you are just as overwhelmed as when you first started.

The key is to to take a step back and evaluate what it is you are trying to achieve. Brand awareness? Building an online community?

The goal of this blog is to help small businesses and entrepreneurs understand and better navigate the social web and make the right choices for your business.

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